
What do you think when you see this?

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Someone else's shoes

One of the most know phases growing up was "walking in someone else's shoes." Usually this means think about what another person is going through and try to understand what they did and why they did it. I have been thinking about this concept in regards to education recently. Students seem to think that teachers don't understand what they have to go through and teachers think that students don't appreciate all that they do for the students. Is there anyway to allow teachers and students to "walk in each other's shoes?"

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Different Thinking

Throughout my time working with students and peers in mathematics I have noticed that many students tend to somehow think differently when attempting a problem; they may work through the problem differently or try different measures to solve the problem. Being a future teacher, I have been pondering how to teach with this in mind. Can we as teachers instruct so that all students may be able to reason through the mathematics differently?

Monday, February 6, 2017

Useless Information

Have you ever went through a day, whether through school or through work, and said to yourself, "Am I ever going to use this information?" I have been there many times! Sometimes it comes as a whole class which seems pointless, and sometimes it is just one section from a class. Nonetheless, most people find somethings that we learn, or even use, are useless.