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Thursday, January 26, 2017

Is There One Way To Teach?

It seems that today in education many people have different ideas on how teachers should instruct their students. In fact, many of the non-educators who are involved with developing educational curriculum expect teachers to simply follow a specific guideline to teach. Is this the best way for great instruction? Should there be only one way to instruct in which every single teacher should follow?

Though I may not a lot of experience teaching, I have noticed that uniformity is important in teaching. A teacher cannot expect similar results if different measures are taken when teaching. Also, I have seen how some students come to class and say that they can't learn from a certain way of teaching because the other teachers taught it differently.

However, I have also found that there is this thing called individuality. Each teacher has different qualities that allows them to strive in some areas and fall short at other areas. Thus, we should not make a teacher follow some formula if they are not particularly good at it, otherwise the students will suffer. Also, too much uniformity creates an atmosphere of dullness. Students need to be intrigued and stimulated to truly participate. If everything is taught the same, and will always be taught the same, then students will become absorbed into the humdrum of the educational process.

After much thought, I believe that there cannot be any true form of uniformity. School needs to be exciting for students to be motivated, and thus there has to be different measures and methods taken to keep the students on edge and willing to participate. However, I am willing to listen to what others have to say on this idea. Thus, do you think that teachers should follow some guideline as to how to teach?


  1. You make interesting points in your blog post. I agree that one size does not fit all. For me using different teaching strategies for varying subjects is important too. I use a lot of direct instruction when I teach school law; however, I use discovery strategies when teaching technology. Thanks for asking a vital question.

    1. For some reason the idea of teaching differently for different subject didn't even cross my mind. Yet it is such an important aspect to the topic. Thank you Dr. Born for your insight!

  2. Anthony, this is a great question. Uniformity does not exist in a traditional sense within the classroom, things are always changing, it is important to stay on your toes and adapt to your students needs. I try to stick to traditional methods at first but then sometimes you have to get creative.
