
What do you think when you see this?

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Teachers and Bullying

One of the waves hitting schools today is anti-bullying movement. Students, teachers, administrators, and schools as a whole are becoming more aware of bulling and acting against it. But what does this actually mean for teachers? Obviously teachers can participate in the scheduled programs to make bullying more aware, but is this enough? What should, and must, teachers do concerning bullying?

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

All about the students!

What is the point of teaching? Is it simply to put a knowledgeable person at the front of the room and let them mention and instruct on different things they know? Or is it something deeper? I, and many others, believe that the goal of teaching is the success of the students. However, I have also encountered many teachers who do not care about student success. These teachers just like to lecture and show that they are knowledgeable, and get paid all the while! I believe this should not be the case; teachers need to be for the students first.

Saturday, October 14, 2017

At the bell

Have you ever wondered how to start class off? Have you ever to taken attendance or passed back graded papers and thought you were wasting valuable time? I was definitely in the same boat up till a year ago. Last year around this time I was in an early experience classroom where my cooperating teacher did this thing called bell work. Students walked into he classroom, sat down, and immediately started work that was on the board. I was shocked! This gave the teacher time to take attendance, pass back graded papers, check with people who were missing work, and still have students do something productive.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Should Students Work Together?


Desiring to be a math teacher next year, I have thought a lot about how I am going to teach. There are a lot of different strategies when it comes to teaching, but what is the best method? I used to always think lectures and note taking was the best for math classes, but now I am questioning this thought. What about the implementation of collaboration?

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Way too much Tech

Have you ever thought that there are way too many different ways to implement technology into the classroom? A teacher can create podcasts, blogs, wikis, direct videos, PowerPoint presentations, websites, and more! This can be good because there are so many options to choose from. However, since there are so many different types of options it can be hard for a teacher to master the use of all of these different technologies.

Friday, March 3, 2017

Almost the end!

I have gone through my life, as well as others, counting down until the end of events. Whether it's the end of a class, the end of a work day, the end of the year, or the end of a phase of one's life. I bet many people, when they were in grade school or high school, counted down the number of days left in school; till school ended. Reflecting on this way of viewing events, I recognize that this may be somewhat pessimistic. Why should we be looking forward to the end of something?

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Someone else's shoes

One of the most know phases growing up was "walking in someone else's shoes." Usually this means think about what another person is going through and try to understand what they did and why they did it. I have been thinking about this concept in regards to education recently. Students seem to think that teachers don't understand what they have to go through and teachers think that students don't appreciate all that they do for the students. Is there anyway to allow teachers and students to "walk in each other's shoes?"

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Different Thinking

Throughout my time working with students and peers in mathematics I have noticed that many students tend to somehow think differently when attempting a problem; they may work through the problem differently or try different measures to solve the problem. Being a future teacher, I have been pondering how to teach with this in mind. Can we as teachers instruct so that all students may be able to reason through the mathematics differently?

Monday, February 6, 2017

Useless Information

Have you ever went through a day, whether through school or through work, and said to yourself, "Am I ever going to use this information?" I have been there many times! Sometimes it comes as a whole class which seems pointless, and sometimes it is just one section from a class. Nonetheless, most people find somethings that we learn, or even use, are useless.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Is There One Way To Teach?

It seems that today in education many people have different ideas on how teachers should instruct their students. In fact, many of the non-educators who are involved with developing educational curriculum expect teachers to simply follow a specific guideline to teach. Is this the best way for great instruction? Should there be only one way to instruct in which every single teacher should follow?